| Real Estate Litigation

Real estate purchases and transactions provide some of the most exciting and lucrative opportunities for investors, but the same transactions can also provide some of the biggest headaches. Deals on the verge of closing may fail at the last minute. Buyers can’t secure funding. Improvements aren’t completed on time and on budget. Construction accidents happen. Defects are discovered long after construction is complete and the deal has closed. Landlords don’t deliver on what they promised their tenants, and tenants don’t pay their rent. Owners default on their loans. Weather can interrupt a project; cause a casualty loss, or create an insurance claim. If you are a buyer, seller, lender, builder, real estate agent or broker, contractor, design professional, landlord, or commercial tenant, Stephen Willis has 30 years of experience in real estate transactions and litigation, and he can advise you of your rights, and protect your interests in any related real estate litigation or mediated settlement process.

Types of Real Estate Disputes

Real estate disputes invariably require knowledge of multiple areas of law, including contract law, property law, torts, statutory law, agency, suretyship, insurance, and equity. Such disputes may require simultaneous consideration of legal principles and precedents from different areas of the law depending upon the facts and circumstances of your particular transaction.  We have years of real estate experience (legally and as a former title insurance firm) representing clients in matters relating to:

  • Sales & Purchases
  • Lending
  • Construction Contracts
  • Construction Defects
  • Construction Accidents
  • Commercial Landlord-Tenant Disputes
  • Commercial real estate foreclosures
  • Easement, reciprocal access and use disputes
  • Boundary disputes
  • Owner-General contractor disputes
  • General contractor-Subcontractor disputes
  • Enforcement or removal of liens
  • Breaches of commercial lease
  • Disputes between landlords and property managers
  • Insurance coverage issues
  • Constructive eviction

In short order, we can advise you as to each of the legal issues attendant to your real estate litigation matter, and the prospect for a successful resolution in your favor.

For an initial consultation, please call our office for an appointment.

Stephen Clinton Willis
Attorney at Law
(850) 835-7083